


Partner Meetings

Florence 15th - 16th December 2003

The Kick-off meeting took place in Florence on the 15th and 16th of December 2003. Elisabetta Delle Donne, the project's coordinator, presented the partners with a detailed description of the project and the activities that would be carried out. The meeting was also an opportunity for the partners to get to know each other and to discuss all details related to the project's activities. At the end of the meeting all the partners had a clear view of the future project's implementation. Click on the above links to see the pictures of the meeting.


Paris, 17th & 18th May, 2004

The second partners meeting for the ELS project took place in Paris on the 17th and 18th May, 2004. All project partners attended the meeting during which the project activities were discussed and decisions were made regarding the development of the ELS training package.


Zaragoza, 31st March - 1st April, 2005

The 3rd ELS partner's meeting took place in Zaragoza, Spain. During the meeting the various sections of the ELS portal were presented to the project partners including the four language training packages and the organisation of the testing period was discussed.


Prato, 6th December, 2005

The 4th and Final Partners' Meeting for the ELS project was hosted by the Confartigianato di Prato and took place in Prato on the 6th December, 2005. During the meeting the partners presented the activities carried out by them in previous months and also discussed the future of the ELS portal.


ELS Final Conference

The ELS Final Conference was hosted by Confartigianato di Prato and took place in Prato on the 7th December, 2005. The conference was attended by the project partners, representatives from local public bodies as well as individuals who took part in the testing and evalution of the ELS portal.